Posts Tagged: london

The City, on the day of Maggie’s funeral 17/04/13

I had a pleasant walk through the traffic free city on the day of Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. This is the enormous Cheesegrater building by Rogers Stirk Harbour. The scale, in relation to the adjacent Lloyds, is incredible, the lobby alone is about five storeys high. I wonder what they’ll put in it? Rogers, cheesegrater, Below is Paul Finch giving an insightful talk to HTA the night before. The Thatcher legacy was the main topic, really. Paul Finch, HTA

An HTA life for me

SKMBT_C28413041508470Four glasses, two road rollers, one great Camden building. 110413 Two road rollers 090413 Camden Town

Plane, train, pub 18/03/13

edinburgh airport, baggageEvening travel to London pub by plane then train. Edinburgh airport is a lot nicer when it’s not first thing in the morning (security staff are much more friendly). Kings Cross pub below is a surprising mix of tourists staying in local cheap hotels with names you’ve heard of to wasted old folk staying in cheap local places you haven’ pub and train sketch

Elegant Kings Cross Construction

Kings Cross ConstructionA remarkably elegant new piece of the Kings Cross redevelopment. One Pancras Square, I think, by David Chipperfield Architects. Elegant design and elegant construction system.

Cartoon in Blueprint 8/3/13

My cartoon describing the excellent Assemble & Join project our graphics team did at Lower Marsh in London was published in this month’s Blueprint magazine. Credit to Lucy Smith & Theo Adamson.

assemble and join

The Royal Thames Yacht Club 5/3/13

The Bond Club. I had a good time, so apologies to the subjects who don’t actually look as odd as they do here. Bond Club 130305-email

Fix on Whitecross Street 27/02/13

"whitecross street" "fix cafe"We lived on Whitecross Street until 2007. It’s changed lot’s since then. This was a pub I never went into: too scared. Kev & Pam went in one night and someone was chucking darts randomly around the bar. Now it’s a coffee shop where I stopped for breakfast.

In Vapiano, Southwark 18/02/13

A pretty disappointing meal out in Southwark.vapiano, "cafe sketch"

Fixing the sign on the Great Northern Hotel

'kings cross',' great northern hotel'

21/01/13 Camino near Kings Cross

@CaminoLondon, "cafe sketch", "London Sketch"A nice place to eat late near Kings Cross. A true sign that the regen is working?