Posts Tagged: edinburgh

Other people’s events No 2 14 June 2013

Italialive - 14 June 2013Italia Live. Being sold beautiful stuff by (apparently) passionate Italian folk in the pampered surroundings of the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh.


In the garden at Eildon – 9 June 2013

9 june 2013 at eildonA sunny afternoon in my parent’s garden with all my sisters, all their lovely kids, and their various appendages, as my mum would have it.

F, I & I watching the Italian Job.IFI 9 june 2013

Broughton Street 13 May ’13

Buildings might be quite hard to design but at least there are plenty of the around to have a look at. Looking at the ordinary done well on the corner of Broughton Street.Broughton Street 130513

Fettes Rise AGM 23/04/13

My neighbours, at the Fettes Rise AGM. There are challenges to living in 60’s designed housing and we discuss them every year. But mostly, it’s unbeatable.Fettes Rise

Beautiful Facades on Currently Unloved Buildings, No1- 19/04/13

St Andrews Square 190413A simple building off St Andrew’s Square in Edinburgh. Nice proportions, materials and details, but tired and unloved looking. There are lots like this, and there’s a lot to be learned from looking at them.

An HTA life for me

SKMBT_C28413041508470Four glasses, two road rollers, one great Camden building. 110413 Two road rollers 090413 Camden Town

A view, or somewhere to put the washing? 29/03/13

So the question is: ‘Is an uplifting view more important than having somewhere to put the washing?’. Used to be, but there was less washing then. Also some memories of Bank Holiday weekends in London.


innes 130328Innes eating his tea,




Airbus A320 in Edinburgh 27/03/13

To London to talk to hardworking staff, talented architects, and composed lawyers.'airbus sketch'

Flats on Dundas Street 4/3/13

Dundas Street 130304A typical new town flat block. Flats on the upper floors, shops and commercial on the ground. Regularly proportioned (but differently spaced) windows and a common, high quality material ties it together beautifully.

‘Its about the balance of repetition and variety, it’s almost a mathematical formula’.

Plane, train, pub 18/03/13

edinburgh airport, baggageEvening travel to London pub by plane then train. Edinburgh airport is a lot nicer when it’s not first thing in the morning (security staff are much more friendly). Kings Cross pub below is a surprising mix of tourists staying in local cheap hotels with names you’ve heard of to wasted old folk staying in cheap local places you haven’ pub and train sketch