Posts Tagged: family

Innes eating tea 01/03/13

innes eatingWe went to the excellent East Links Family Park on the first day of March. This is a rosy cheeked Innes when we got home for tea after a day outside in the sun.

The View 17/02/13

edinburgh skylineFirst practice for painting the Edinburgh skyline. West Register House, St John’s, Palmerston Place.

Peter & Andreas

Andreas watching the Ireland England game.andreas morrisonAnd PLT sketching. (he mostly looks ahead, rather than down… which means it will be good!).PLT130208


20/01/13 Sleeping in the car

Sometimes we get home in nap time.130120

19/01/13 Fraser Eating


New Year 2013

SKMBT_C28413010714310 SKMBT_C28413010714312 fraser, innes

31/12/12 Some of the family over Christmas

121230 Fraser & Isla121228 Fraser121229 - Innes121225 Christmas Day121230 - Christmas Tree

09/12/12 Fraser & Isla watching Vincent Van Goat

vincent van goat,Fraser & Isla watching Vincent Van Goat. Innes isn’t interested in TV (just now) so he keeps putting the big yellow digger on my sketchbook. Later Isla wanted to hide when I was drawing her, moreĀ fun than eating her tea I think.

24/11/12 Morning Milk

milk bottles on the sofa

19/09/12 Fraser using the ipad