Posts in Category: Places

Belleville Rendez-Vous a Ronde – 28 Juillet 2015

Watching Sylvain Chomet’s Belleville Rendez-Vous in Bicycle Outfitters  Ronde in Stockbridge. An appropriately stylish location for this beautiful animation, I think.Ronde - 150731 It’s a cycling theme as this is our last fundraising event before our team of twelve ride 100 miles (each) this weekend. Through incredibly kind donations, we’ve raised over £15,000 for homelessness charity Shelter. Many thanks to everyone who has helped through donations, gifting raffle prizes, baking cakes or offering free use of venues.

It’s been great fun. Now to ride the 100 miles…

Shelter Quiz in Hemma – 1 July 2015

We are raising money for Shelter, so had a pub quiz to raise some cash. Hemma gave us the venue for free, and we had generous donations for prizes. We raised £1300, about 10% of our target. The fundraising page is here, if you’d like to help. Many thanks to those who already have. 150701 ShelterLater, a holiday touring lochs in the Trossachs.

150708 - Loch KatrineWindy Katrine on the Sir Walter Scott.

150707 - Loch LomondRainy Lomond.

150706 - Innes

We did most of it by bike, which is very tiring if you are three.

150709 - SmaxThe rest by bulky Ford.

Meeting Gavin Turk – 30 June 2015

At New London Architecture’s Thomas Heatherwick lecture: an inspiring experience. He clearly inhabits the same world of difficult sites, demanding briefs and tight budgets as the rest of us, but he manages to conjure something completely extraordinary from the same ingredients. The lecture slides are straightforward: it’s the ideas that shine through, and how they solve relevant problems.

Thomas Heatherwick - 29 June 2015Contemplating his amazing work and optimistic office the next morning, I wanted to draw something simple and utilitarian, to get back in touch with my own ‘reality’: a truck making deliveries at St Pancras. KM_C454e-20150630090939After breakfast I headed for Hackney, expecting I’d seen enough inspiring characters for one trip, and it was time to do some real work (the protestant work ethic is never far away). Instead,  I ran into Gavin Turk and talked about how you might make space for creative free thinkers in the overheated, investment focused, London property market.


Well he talked, I sketched and noted the presence of paintbrush in the hand of a YBA. I was pleased he signed my sketchbook. It says:

Gavin Turk

did not draw this”.

A Long Drawing of a Long Lunch – 23 June 2015

In Manchester discussing how devolving power to regions can lead to more effective and more appropriate solutions to the current housing crisis. Lots of support for this and lots of good ideas. I think Scottish devolution has opened people’s eyes to the benefits of local decision making but they haven’t yet experienced it’s overwhelming, empowering, energy.

CIH Lunch -23 June 2014Lunch over, I headed out into the warm Manchester sunshine and was surprised to see it was 5.00pm. Lunch and ideas are important, but they are a means to the end: designing better places.

Castleward - 24 June 2015Next day: Derby. We’ve started the design of Phase Two of Castleward so it’s a good time to think about the bits of Phase One that work (mixed use/ mixed tenure/ mixed typologies/ the biggest trees we’ve ever planted/ streets) and the bits that don’t. If being an architect is sometimes quite hard work, it’s all made worthwhile when you see things you imagined realised.

Making Jaguars in Coventry & Warwickshire, in the Shard – 16 June 2015

At an event in the Shard hearing about the power of a research, design and manufacturing based economy in the Midlands. Prosperity, creativity, enviable quality.

Cov and War - 16 June 2015Jaguar CEO Dr Ralph Speth gave the keynote address. Manufacturing economies are prosperous economies when the quality of product is as high as this, and we heard about the combination of education, investment and supply chain required to operate at this level. You need a good supply of great places for people to live too, and we’d love to help with that.

I’m increasingly fascinated by design and manufacture, so I’ll ask if I can sketch the factory.

Golden Lane – 24 May 2015

Chamberlin Powell & Bon designed the Golden Lane Estate in London before they designed it’s larger and more famous neighbour, the Barbican. They’re both outstanding, but I prefer Golden Lane.150524 London Sketch Club-1

We went for a visit with HTA’s London Sketch Club and the London Society. The ‘kids’ weren’t that impressed, which certainly ups the ante next time I’m reviewing their work.


It’s a bit windy and not that warm but this could well be summer, so the real kids and I played outside whilst Julie did some shopping.

2405 Baked PotatoBaked potatoes for tea.

Building Paradise – 6 June 2015

This is Cala D’Or, Mallorca.

150502 Don Jose Costa FerrerThe place is the creation of Don Jose Costa Ferrer, Don Pep, who bought the beautiful but unproductive land in 1933 for the equivalent of 80 euros. He made a masterplan, sold the plots, and designed the houses using a simple palette and sold them to his creative friends. 150504 Why I like thisA stone’s throw from the tourists enjoying the natural beauty of the beaches you can find the place Don Pep created. As the houses have been upgraded or replaced people have stuck to the rules he set, to their credit.

Palm TreeCombine the architecture with the trees, both the familiar pine and the exotic palm, and you can see the Don Pep vision.

Whilst there I enjoyed cycling up to San Salvador at a bit less than half the pace of a pro, on a bashed up Pinarello.


Mostly we were swimming off the beach and…

150603 Relaxing at the villa

Casa Binimelis

… at Casa Binimelis.

150606 Palma Airport Going Home

We are sad to go home but Palma de Majorca is our new favourite airport. 150530 Off to majorcaGrumpy reading Private Eye on the plane.

Some Summer – 17 May 2015

It’s the start of a new year for the business and time to look back on the last one. 170515 - Mikes Garden PartyA weekend in sunny London spent in Clissold Park and Mike’s back garden. Me and the gang catching up with old friends and colleagues.  Bakerhouse closeBack in Edinburgh looking at the hard, but still attractive, Bakehouse Close. A comfortable scale of space with some nice details by Oberlanders.

Drama – 6 May 2015

Work is about making things and sketching is about learning from some of the great things others have made. A week spent looking at inspiring and dramatic development. SawsweeHockBuilding-280415This is O’Donnell & Tuomey’s Saw Swee Hock Building for the London School of Economics, more drama than you’d think would fit on such a tight site.

victoriastreet NEW2

Victoria Street in Edinburgh, linking the Grass Market with George IV Bridge in spectacular fashion. A six storey pedestrian street sitting on a lower level that climbs from single storey to three storeys whilst looking like a crescent but mostly running straight. Other sketches of these two locations should be here.

Knockhill - newMost spectacular of all, the dramatic construction of the third Forth Bridge.

SoftPlay-030515With the kids at soft play. The flags and pennants are on the Britannia outside. FraserWatchingDustyFire&Rescue-020515

Fraser watching a Dusty drama. The next few days will see drama too, as our political parties try to sort out a hung parliament. I’ve just realised that most people don’t realise that Nicola Sturgeon, the undoubted star of the whole process, isn’t actually standing. Dramatic days ahead.

Outdoors/ Indoors – 8 April 2015

The kids being chased round the garden of Grays Court hotel by Henry the resident dog. Our slightly rowdy bunch spent a warm and sunny afternoon in their elegant, calm garden. Grays Court - 8 April 2015

Back in Edinburgh we are inside waiting for the hailstones to stop and the icy winds to die down. watching the lorax - 12 April 2015

Luckily some of the excellent Dr Seuss books are being made into films. We stayed in and watched ‘The Lorax’.